Thursday 16 July 2015

Culture Secretary praises Doctor Who and Sherlock

The BBC Charter is up for renewal next year and the government has started the consultation process on the corporation's remit and funding methods.  There have been scare stories in the media about the government wishing the BBC to stop "chasing ratings" and some of their most popular programmes being under threat. Yesterday, a number of high profile creative people, including Daniel Craig and Steven Moffat. argued for a strong BBC in an open letter,

However, Moffat and the team at BBC Wales will have been pleased to hear the Culture Secretary John Whitingdale single out Doctor Who and Sherlock during the opening to his statement in the House of Commons today:

The British Broadcasting Corporation is cherished and admired, not only in this country but around the world. At its best, the BBC sets international standards of quality. Even in a multimedia age, its most popular programmes continue to draw the country together in a shared experience, as happened with the London Olympics and world-beating dramas such as “Sherlock” and “Doctor Who”.

Read the full statement and debate here:

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